Our Purpose

  • Our purpose is the creation and optimisation of high-value information and knowledge assets through disciplined planning and timely execution

Our Values · 

  • We deliver business value and benefits to our customers not billable hours
  • We accept diversity as a pillar that makes us stronger
  • We behave respectfully and responsibly in our community and environment
  • We collaborate and build consensus
  • We strive to innovate
  • We approach challenges with different thinking than created the challenge

Our Services

We specialise in the Strategy to Portfolio part of the Value stream


Strategy is often distorted by executive tenure and unachievable due to it being disconnected from the Operating Plan and Project Portfolio to deliver it. 

We use our heritage in the delivery of significant strategic programmes to formulate strategy that improves Business Capability. 

Our belief is that this must be done in a way that respects the sanctity of morale and respects the effect burnout can have on corporate culture. 

Consequently, strategy formed with our techniques leverages optimised costs to create strategic advantage.


Many companies try to create Ten Year Roadmaps or Master Agile Backlogs that are disconnected form the useful life of the systems they are utilising. 

Often indiligent record keeping is a prime culprit that prevents the optimal life being extracted from a technology investment. 

Knowing what you have through intelligently verified catalogues can create better ICT asset utilisation, and reduce cost over time from the informed, optimised technology investment that occurs when appropriate models and are adopted

Staying abreast of innovation allows a structured approach to adoption that limits risk and delivers business functionality when it is needed.  


Strategy without execution is hallucination, delusion… 

Whatever your choice of adverb is, without a tangible, affordable, time bound plan to execute the strategy over the strategic period the strategy will remain a pipe dream. 

We advocate an approach that converts the strategic initiatives into executable portfolios of work to change the organisation in a sustainable way. 

When we do not shy away from asking the hard questions about organizational capacity and ability to deliver what is possible expands exponentially


As we are horizontal across industry and business unit in our organisational interactions we’ve participated in the acquisition, merger, divestiture, and carve out of dozens of entities capability, business process execution, asset information, financial control, operational models, geographic information, building information, informationally, and technically through delivery of hundreds of small projects.
How many deals would never go through if the board had understood the incredible cost of bringing the operational technology together? 

Stop wasting your valuable resources on poorly thought through integration plans.